
hello all!

okay, okay. I know, i haven’t posted in quite a while- but i have plenty of reasons!

As i am now in year 11 of school, my exams are coming up soon and i have mocks in two weeks. This means i have been working my butt off and revising 24/7…Unfortunately.

I hate being so shut out from the world and hope to carry on posting VERY soon!

I will be posting film reviews, fashion tips and even a diy very soon- so be sure to keep an eye out for that one, my lovelys! 

love rosie x

A Quick Update.

Hello All! 

I’m so sorry that i haven’t posted in a while, i went on a two week vacation to the states (which was lovely and sunny) so i wasn’t able to take my laptop:(

I’m almost into my last year of secondary school, which seems insane as i feel like such a little kid most of the time. Soon enough i’ll  be deciding whether or not i want to go to university or sixth form!

So sorry for not being active recently, but keep checking back for more posts coming up!:}


love rosie x