Stocking Filler Ideas

We all know Christmas is only 3 weeks away (It only seems like yesterday that i was starting year 11!), So i thought it was a good idea to perhaps share some of my favorite stocking filler ideas. I know it is usually only little children who are given stockings, but in my house, I do one for mum and she does one for me, but the things i will mention aren’t really age specific. Christmas is my all time favourite time of year, so i think that stockings are a good way to get the christmas present shopping rolling!

Stocking Filler Idea’s

Ponche Shower Gel (£4.30/100g) Made with a shot of Tequila, I know my mum is going to love this shower gel. I think for Christmas, it’s sometimes nicer to buy a little more expensive when it comes to needs so Lush is a must have! It also reminds me of a warm summer holiday, which is also fab as my mum can’t stand the cold weather!

Snow Fairy Shower Gel (£3.50/100g) Snow Fairy is a must have for me. I love the smell so much that i feel as if i have to share it with my nearest and dearest- thus, i have bought my mother this for her stocking. It’s so inexpensive, most people could afford this, which is the best part! Christmas stockings are about giving a lot, whilst spending very little, so this kind of product is what i’m talking about!

Father Christmas Bath Bomb (£3.25 each) Who can have Christmas without Santa?! Not me for sure! I’m a total sucker for bath bombs, and one in the shape of Santa- what’s better?!Apparently, whilst this bath bomb is fizzing away, magical, Christmassy colours are produced, leaving you feeling extra festive.

Soap and Glory Hand Food Hand Cream (£2.50/50ml) With the harsh winters we have here in the UK, hand cream is vital. As it’s so vital, why not take an inexpensive, good quality hand cream and chuck it in someone’s stocking?! It makes so much sense!

Shanri La/Jake Bugg (£9.99) My mum and I are huge Jake Bugg fans. Most of the music i listen too, mums starting to love, which is brilliant in my case! With his new album out just in time, I think that a CD is a lovely stocking filler and something for after your Christmas Dinner- the whole family trying to sing along whilst doing the washing up!

Santa Socks (£12) A tradition runs in our family. This is that every Christmas, we  (Me, Mum, Gran, Granddad, my Aunt, Uncle and Four Cousins) are all given a pair of socks to wear Christmas day. We all receive them in our stockings and then wear them to my grandparents and have a competition to see who has the best socks. Don;t ask me how this tradition started. It’s brilliant either way. This year i am determined to win (whoever gives the other person the best socks wins). That in mind, I have opted for these dashing smiling Santa’s, I’m sure mum will appreciate them. These would also just make an excellent stocking filler. I know it can be difficult sometimes to find good presents- but socks are a basic need, so why not get festive?

TopShop Fairisle Snood (£16) In the cold English weather, a scarf, or snood in this case, is essential. This pretty pink and cream one from TopShop is just what i was looking for. It’s soft, comfy and most importantly, warm. What better way to wrap up warm than with a present you received in your stocking.

A Classic Christmas Film (n/a) I love getting cosy and watching a film on Christmas day. This in mind, i have found a variety of films suitable to watch on Christmas Day from Amazon, which would make a brilliant (and cheap!) stocking idea. If you have clicked the link, you can see that there are a huge selection of excellent christmas related films. I personally have ordered my mum Home Alone, Elf and It’s A Wonderful life. These are some of my favorite movies to watch around Christmas, so i know mum will love then!

Well, That’s all I’ve got for my mum’s stocking! I wrapped all the presents last night and they all fit perfectly in the over sized sock.

I hope you all have a good time xmas shopping!

Good luck, lovelies!

rosie x


Review: The Hunger Games- Catching Fire.

*This review contains spoilers! You have been warned!*

I have been a huge fan of the hunger games franchise since i read the first book. Not going to lie though, i was a little disappointed with the first film. It was a good story line, but it just wasn’t how i imagined it to be portrayed. As a media student, we are taught how to analyse films and find their deeper meanings. This can be extremely irritating when watching a film as you can find yourself pointing out more flaws than enjoying the experience. However, this can also be beneficial if, like myself, you are starting to or are reviewing films for a blog.

So after the disappointment of the first Hunger Games film, i wasn’t too sure that i in fact wanted to see the second one, but my friends managed to persuade me into paying the price (£6.20 to be exact) and seeing it on the big screen.


With Soph, Serena and Eliza with me, on Sunday we ventured out to our local cinema and sat down to watch Catching Fire.

The first thing i noticed was the difference in quality. The first film, i felt, looked a little like they hadn’t out as much time, money or effort into making. The scenes that disappointed me most were those in the actual arena. It just looked a little fake and unrealistic for my liking. Although, the quality that i witnessed on Sunday was so much better than i imagined. Especially the scenes inside the jungle with the poisonous mist and the collapsing roof of the arena at the end. The arena was also exactly how i imagined when i read the second book- a large, round island with the cornucopia on a smaller island inside the inner ring, with trails of land leading from where the victors are presented to the cornucopia itself. I couldn’t have designed it better myself.


The only downside to this film, was that i felt that the ending was a little crappy. I got a little confused and felt that it wasn’t like the book. Perhaps thats because i read the book a while back, but to me, it just didn’t seem right. I don’t know, perhaps thats just me being awkward, but it didn’t seem like it was the actual ending.

A couple of the scenes my friends also found hilarious. Some of the noises made when they finally got water, with help from Hamitch, were a little questionable. Also when bathing in the pool of water after being poisoned by the mist. However, that was probably just my friends being a little childish.

I did adore the film. The overall concept was sensational and i loved the idea of the clock and the bad situations the group were faced with. The loyalty that was also portrayed really got to me, and i did cry a little when Johanna gave herself up for Katniss (Well, i assume so). Finnick saving Peeta seemed a little over the top, however. I feel that was just included for the entertainment of people who might ship them.

Overall, Catching fire was a brilliant film and i would happily go and see this film again! It left me with unanswered questions and a brain full of thoughts on what was going to happen next, which i loved.

I give the Hunger Games: Catching fire 4/5 stars.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did!

love rosie x

R.E: My Summer Holiday Bucket List.

So.. things didn’t exactly pan out like i expected.

I’m such a lazy and unorganized person that keeping to my summer holiday bucket list was extremely difficult. However, i did manage to succeed in some of the activities listed below!

My Summer Holiday Bucket List

  • Do all of my homework/summer projects properly & don’t leave them til last minute. How am i down at the first point already?! Okay, im a failure. I left all of my summer projects til literally last minute. I didn’t bother with it- and why should i, it was my summer holidays for christ sakes;) Give a girl a break aye?
  • Make an effort to see my friends ans have a good time with them. So i achieved this one! I had some really lovely outings with my friends in the summertime, including shopping trips, picnics, sleepovers and movie days- these are the moments worth cherishing!
  • Have camp out’s in the garden with my friends, pizza and cheesy movies.So, it rained when i got back from holiday. But i still had plenty of sleepovers and pizza dates with my lovely friends- so i hope this counts?
  • Do something for charity. Oops… Truth is, I was too shy to even attempt to ask about doing this- maybe thats a new thing i should try and do- be less shy!
  • Spend more time with my Grandparents. Woo Hoo! Another one complete! I adore spending time with my gran and grandad, and now i even take my gran to Waitrose (a supermarket) every sunday to help out. When i wasn’t on holiday, i walked down to their house and we drank tea and i helped out around theirs a bit. My grandparents practically brought me up as my mum was out working really hard for us, but when i went to secondary school, i had to see them less, so it was really nice seeing them more often and hope to carry on!
  • Go and visit my cousins down in Windsor. Every time i was free, my cousins were busy! No lie! It’s just one of those really irritating things that seems to happen. I still haven’t seen them when it wasn’t a family occasion- but we are planning to soon!!
  • Go and do some photography. Ah ha! I adore photography and did plenty of this in America over the summer and loads with my friends. Perhaps if anybody is interested i will post some of the pictures i took?:}
  • Go to The White House. I actually did this on the first day of being in America. It felt just like being in England though, i honestly kept forgetting i was on holiday. This white house was as majestic as ever. We even saw the Lincoln Memorial!
  • Visit Ground Zero. I was to upset to do this unfortunately. I just felt really sad even thinking about the concept, so me and mum decided it was safer not to, because i new i wouldnt stop crying if we did! Regret this so much now, looking back:(
  • Go to The Empire State Building. Does driving past it numerous times count? I think it does, seeing as i didn’t realize it was in fact on a busy, mainroad. Oh well;)
  • Go shopping in New York. Now this, i did plenty of. I spent most of money within the first week! Although, as we were in Maryland, Washington and Philadelphia for the first part of our holiday, i did try to save some for New York. My mum also kindly bought me quite alot of goodies.
  • Whilst on holiday, send my family and friends post cards to remind them how much I miss them. Check!
  • Buy a Star Map of New York and go and find homes of celebrities (not in a creepy way!) My mum hated this idea and thought it was “time wasting”. However, we did see Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment!- that made my vacation!
  • Do more exercise. I thought that whilst on holiday, i would be eating my hearts content! However, we tried to fit in as much as we could, meaning we walked all day long- my poor converse are in shreds!
  • Make sure to wear lots of sun cream! I hardly wore makeup, this was essential in the heat! Phew!
  • Drink lots of water!!! I don’t think i achieved this very well. considering i found out that in America, they do GIGANTIC Diet Mountain Dew bottles and spent my time drinking that- back at home i just drank pepsi max or smoothies.. Oops.
  • Go to the Dr Who experience. Done and dusted! My dad took me to Wales for three days so we could do this! I LOVED IT! 
  • Have cute days out with my friends instead of being stuck indoors. Yup!- had such a good time!
  • Use the train more (go to London or something). If going to the nearest other town to ours to hunt down the Topshop counts then yepp! I had plenty of days out, taking the train without my parents, to go shopping!:] Also used to train to go to Cardiff.
  • Spend my money wisely! I’m not even going to bother…

Well, I personally think i did pretty well considering. I hope that was entertaining enough for you. I was pretty surprised- considering i hadn’t read the list since September!

Hope you all had a fab summer!

love rosie x


hello all!

okay, okay. I know, i haven’t posted in quite a while- but i have plenty of reasons!

As i am now in year 11 of school, my exams are coming up soon and i have mocks in two weeks. This means i have been working my butt off and revising 24/7…Unfortunately.

I hate being so shut out from the world and hope to carry on posting VERY soon!

I will be posting film reviews, fashion tips and even a diy very soon- so be sure to keep an eye out for that one, my lovelys! 

love rosie x

Forever 21 August Wishlist.


  • F2484 Round Glasses. £4.90
  • Cutout Heart and Arrow Necklace. £3.15
  • City-Chic Satchel. £19.90
  • Grey Knit Jumper. £15.00
  • Static Print Fit & Flare Dress. £19.75
  • Star Wars™ Muscle Tee. £11.50
  • Street-Chic Plimsolls. £7.00
  • RoseBud Hair Elastic. £3.15
  • Whatever Stripped Cosmetics Bag. £7.40


Recently, i’ve discovered how much i adore Forever 21. They have a huge selection of grungey and rock clothing, which is perfect for somebody like me, w

ho doesn’t suit girly clothes and has weird taste. The clothing is also extremely affordable and worth the price you pay.

As i have been loving this brand, i decided to do a little online dream shopping, as i like to call it.

thanks for readying!:}

love rosie x

A Quick Update.

Hello All! 

I’m so sorry that i haven’t posted in a while, i went on a two week vacation to the states (which was lovely and sunny) so i wasn’t able to take my laptop:(

I’m almost into my last year of secondary school, which seems insane as i feel like such a little kid most of the time. Soon enough i’ll  be deciding whether or not i want to go to university or sixth form!

So sorry for not being active recently, but keep checking back for more posts coming up!:}


love rosie x

My Summer Holiday Bucket List

As of Friday, I will have finished my forth year at secondary school (i’m going into year 11). However, I didn’t want my summer to be dull and boring like the usually are. I tend to spend my summer sleeping or lounging about in my pj’s. I wanted to do something meaningful so i’ve decided to write a bucket list. At the end of the summer, i will look back at this list and go through everything i did and didnt do and tell you about it. As you may know, I am going on holiday to Washington and New York in two weeks, so some things are linked to do with that.


My Summer Holiday Bucket List

  • Do all of my homework/summer projects properly & don’t leave them til last minute.
  • Make an effort to see my friends ans have a good time with them.
  • Have camp out’s in the garden with my friends, pizza and cheesy movies.
  • Do something for charity.
  • Spend more time with my Grandparents.
  • Go and visit my cousins down in Windsor.
  • Go and do some photography.
  • Go to The White House.
  • Visit Ground Zero.
  • Go to The Empire State Building.
  • Go shopping in New York.
  • Whilst on holiday, send my family and friends post cards to remind them how much I miss them.
  • Buy a Star Map of New York and go and find homes of celebrities (not in a creepy way!)
  • Do more exercise.
  • Make sure to wear lots of sun cream!
  • Drink lots of water!!!
  • Go to the Dr Who experience.
  • Have cute days out with my friends instead of being stuck indoors.
  • Use the train more (go to London or something).
  • Spend my money wisely!

~rosie x

Review- Stila Baked Cheek Duo

A couple of days ago i discovered a blush that i didn’t even realize i owned. It was the Stila Baked Cheek Duo in Pink Glow.


I purchased this around my birthday (In February) after i was given a boots gift voucher (my friends know me too well). It was originally £15 pounds but as i had a voucher for £5, it was only £10. I think i swatched it a few times but chickened out of trying it properly as i had red toned skin anyways- I’ve always been scared of blushes and bronzers!


I decided to try out this blush duo yesterday as i felt i wanted a change. I used my Real Techniques blush brush to do so, so i felt like i was applying it properly. I was really happy with the results. I wasn’t “too pink” as i had feared and like the name promises, i had a healthy pink glow on my cheeks. I really enjoyed this product and think i will be using it more often in the Future.


~rosie x

Review: Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacquer

As i am soon to be going abroad on holiday, i thought it was best i ventured out into the world of lasting lipsticks. When i first wandered into my local branch of Boots, I wasn’t exactly sure on what i was looking for. After picking up my usual powder, I noticed the stand of a new product. I had seen the advert on TV, so i decided I’d take the plunge.


I chose the colour ‘Celestial’ as i don’t own many pink lip products and thought it didn’t seem too daring. 


After first applying the product once i got home, i hated it. The texture, the look, the application. But after a few days i decided to try it again, this time with more precision and care. Yes, it still seemed gloopy and gunky on my lips, but perhaps that was because i’m not one to wear lip glosses and the overall texture of this product was much more gloss like than a lipstick (as i suppose it’s supposed to be).


Now, i really enjoy this product now that i understand fully how to use it; always blot after applying, never apply too much (as a little goes a long way!) and take time and care in applying it. The doe-foot applicator is also genius as i feel it is much easier to apply to product. I also happen to love the smell of this product. I would say it is almost like raspberries or another sweet berry. After trying this product out numerous times, i am actually going out to town on Friday to buy myself another one!


~rosie x