Stocking Filler Ideas

We all know Christmas is only 3 weeks away (It only seems like yesterday that i was starting year 11!), So i thought it was a good idea to perhaps share some of my favorite stocking filler ideas. I know it is usually only little children who are given stockings, but in my house, I do one for mum and she does one for me, but the things i will mention aren’t really age specific. Christmas is my all time favourite time of year, so i think that stockings are a good way to get the christmas present shopping rolling!

Stocking Filler Idea’s

Ponche Shower Gel (£4.30/100g) Made with a shot of Tequila, I know my mum is going to love this shower gel. I think for Christmas, it’s sometimes nicer to buy a little more expensive when it comes to needs so Lush is a must have! It also reminds me of a warm summer holiday, which is also fab as my mum can’t stand the cold weather!

Snow Fairy Shower Gel (£3.50/100g) Snow Fairy is a must have for me. I love the smell so much that i feel as if i have to share it with my nearest and dearest- thus, i have bought my mother this for her stocking. It’s so inexpensive, most people could afford this, which is the best part! Christmas stockings are about giving a lot, whilst spending very little, so this kind of product is what i’m talking about!

Father Christmas Bath Bomb (£3.25 each) Who can have Christmas without Santa?! Not me for sure! I’m a total sucker for bath bombs, and one in the shape of Santa- what’s better?!Apparently, whilst this bath bomb is fizzing away, magical, Christmassy colours are produced, leaving you feeling extra festive.

Soap and Glory Hand Food Hand Cream (£2.50/50ml) With the harsh winters we have here in the UK, hand cream is vital. As it’s so vital, why not take an inexpensive, good quality hand cream and chuck it in someone’s stocking?! It makes so much sense!

Shanri La/Jake Bugg (£9.99) My mum and I are huge Jake Bugg fans. Most of the music i listen too, mums starting to love, which is brilliant in my case! With his new album out just in time, I think that a CD is a lovely stocking filler and something for after your Christmas Dinner- the whole family trying to sing along whilst doing the washing up!

Santa Socks (£12) A tradition runs in our family. This is that every Christmas, we  (Me, Mum, Gran, Granddad, my Aunt, Uncle and Four Cousins) are all given a pair of socks to wear Christmas day. We all receive them in our stockings and then wear them to my grandparents and have a competition to see who has the best socks. Don;t ask me how this tradition started. It’s brilliant either way. This year i am determined to win (whoever gives the other person the best socks wins). That in mind, I have opted for these dashing smiling Santa’s, I’m sure mum will appreciate them. These would also just make an excellent stocking filler. I know it can be difficult sometimes to find good presents- but socks are a basic need, so why not get festive?

TopShop Fairisle Snood (£16) In the cold English weather, a scarf, or snood in this case, is essential. This pretty pink and cream one from TopShop is just what i was looking for. It’s soft, comfy and most importantly, warm. What better way to wrap up warm than with a present you received in your stocking.

A Classic Christmas Film (n/a) I love getting cosy and watching a film on Christmas day. This in mind, i have found a variety of films suitable to watch on Christmas Day from Amazon, which would make a brilliant (and cheap!) stocking idea. If you have clicked the link, you can see that there are a huge selection of excellent christmas related films. I personally have ordered my mum Home Alone, Elf and It’s A Wonderful life. These are some of my favorite movies to watch around Christmas, so i know mum will love then!

Well, That’s all I’ve got for my mum’s stocking! I wrapped all the presents last night and they all fit perfectly in the over sized sock.

I hope you all have a good time xmas shopping!

Good luck, lovelies!

rosie x