Review: The Hunger Games- Catching Fire.

*This review contains spoilers! You have been warned!*

I have been a huge fan of the hunger games franchise since i read the first book. Not going to lie though, i was a little disappointed with the first film. It was a good story line, but it just wasn’t how i imagined it to be portrayed. As a media student, we are taught how to analyse films and find their deeper meanings. This can be extremely irritating when watching a film as you can find yourself pointing out more flaws than enjoying the experience. However, this can also be beneficial if, like myself, you are starting to or are reviewing films for a blog.

So after the disappointment of the first Hunger Games film, i wasn’t too sure that i in fact wanted to see the second one, but my friends managed to persuade me into paying the price (£6.20 to be exact) and seeing it on the big screen.


With Soph, Serena and Eliza with me, on Sunday we ventured out to our local cinema and sat down to watch Catching Fire.

The first thing i noticed was the difference in quality. The first film, i felt, looked a little like they hadn’t out as much time, money or effort into making. The scenes that disappointed me most were those in the actual arena. It just looked a little fake and unrealistic for my liking. Although, the quality that i witnessed on Sunday was so much better than i imagined. Especially the scenes inside the jungle with the poisonous mist and the collapsing roof of the arena at the end. The arena was also exactly how i imagined when i read the second book- a large, round island with the cornucopia on a smaller island inside the inner ring, with trails of land leading from where the victors are presented to the cornucopia itself. I couldn’t have designed it better myself.


The only downside to this film, was that i felt that the ending was a little crappy. I got a little confused and felt that it wasn’t like the book. Perhaps thats because i read the book a while back, but to me, it just didn’t seem right. I don’t know, perhaps thats just me being awkward, but it didn’t seem like it was the actual ending.

A couple of the scenes my friends also found hilarious. Some of the noises made when they finally got water, with help from Hamitch, were a little questionable. Also when bathing in the pool of water after being poisoned by the mist. However, that was probably just my friends being a little childish.

I did adore the film. The overall concept was sensational and i loved the idea of the clock and the bad situations the group were faced with. The loyalty that was also portrayed really got to me, and i did cry a little when Johanna gave herself up for Katniss (Well, i assume so). Finnick saving Peeta seemed a little over the top, however. I feel that was just included for the entertainment of people who might ship them.

Overall, Catching fire was a brilliant film and i would happily go and see this film again! It left me with unanswered questions and a brain full of thoughts on what was going to happen next, which i loved.

I give the Hunger Games: Catching fire 4/5 stars.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did!

love rosie x