R.E: My Summer Holiday Bucket List.

So.. things didn’t exactly pan out like i expected.

I’m such a lazy and unorganized person that keeping to my summer holiday bucket list was extremely difficult. However, i did manage to succeed in some of the activities listed below!

My Summer Holiday Bucket List

  • Do all of my homework/summer projects properly & don’t leave them til last minute. How am i down at the first point already?! Okay, im a failure. I left all of my summer projects til literally last minute. I didn’t bother with it- and why should i, it was my summer holidays for christ sakes;) Give a girl a break aye?
  • Make an effort to see my friends ans have a good time with them. So i achieved this one! I had some really lovely outings with my friends in the summertime, including shopping trips, picnics, sleepovers and movie days- these are the moments worth cherishing!
  • Have camp out’s in the garden with my friends, pizza and cheesy movies.So, it rained when i got back from holiday. But i still had plenty of sleepovers and pizza dates with my lovely friends- so i hope this counts?
  • Do something for charity. Oops… Truth is, I was too shy to even attempt to ask about doing this- maybe thats a new thing i should try and do- be less shy!
  • Spend more time with my Grandparents. Woo Hoo! Another one complete! I adore spending time with my gran and grandad, and now i even take my gran to Waitrose (a supermarket) every sunday to help out. When i wasn’t on holiday, i walked down to their house and we drank tea and i helped out around theirs a bit. My grandparents practically brought me up as my mum was out working really hard for us, but when i went to secondary school, i had to see them less, so it was really nice seeing them more often and hope to carry on!
  • Go and visit my cousins down in Windsor. Every time i was free, my cousins were busy! No lie! It’s just one of those really irritating things that seems to happen. I still haven’t seen them when it wasn’t a family occasion- but we are planning to soon!!
  • Go and do some photography. Ah ha! I adore photography and did plenty of this in America over the summer and loads with my friends. Perhaps if anybody is interested i will post some of the pictures i took?:}
  • Go to The White House. I actually did this on the first day of being in America. It felt just like being in England though, i honestly kept forgetting i was on holiday. This white house was as majestic as ever. We even saw the Lincoln Memorial!
  • Visit Ground Zero. I was to upset to do this unfortunately. I just felt really sad even thinking about the concept, so me and mum decided it was safer not to, because i new i wouldnt stop crying if we did! Regret this so much now, looking back:(
  • Go to The Empire State Building. Does driving past it numerous times count? I think it does, seeing as i didn’t realize it was in fact on a busy, mainroad. Oh well;)
  • Go shopping in New York. Now this, i did plenty of. I spent most of money within the first week! Although, as we were in Maryland, Washington and Philadelphia for the first part of our holiday, i did try to save some for New York. My mum also kindly bought me quite alot of goodies.
  • Whilst on holiday, send my family and friends post cards to remind them how much I miss them. Check!
  • Buy a Star Map of New York and go and find homes of celebrities (not in a creepy way!) My mum hated this idea and thought it was “time wasting”. However, we did see Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment!- that made my vacation!
  • Do more exercise. I thought that whilst on holiday, i would be eating my hearts content! However, we tried to fit in as much as we could, meaning we walked all day long- my poor converse are in shreds!
  • Make sure to wear lots of sun cream! I hardly wore makeup, this was essential in the heat! Phew!
  • Drink lots of water!!! I don’t think i achieved this very well. considering i found out that in America, they do GIGANTIC Diet Mountain Dew bottles and spent my time drinking that- back at home i just drank pepsi max or smoothies.. Oops.
  • Go to the Dr Who experience. Done and dusted! My dad took me to Wales for three days so we could do this! I LOVED IT! 
  • Have cute days out with my friends instead of being stuck indoors. Yup!- had such a good time!
  • Use the train more (go to London or something). If going to the nearest other town to ours to hunt down the Topshop counts then yepp! I had plenty of days out, taking the train without my parents, to go shopping!:] Also used to train to go to Cardiff.
  • Spend my money wisely! I’m not even going to bother…

Well, I personally think i did pretty well considering. I hope that was entertaining enough for you. I was pretty surprised- considering i hadn’t read the list since September!

Hope you all had a fab summer!

love rosie x