Review- Stila Baked Cheek Duo

A couple of days ago i discovered a blush that i didn’t even realize i owned. It was the Stila Baked Cheek Duo in Pink Glow.


I purchased this around my birthday (In February) after i was given a boots gift voucher (my friends know me too well). It was originally £15 pounds but as i had a voucher for £5, it was only £10. I think i swatched it a few times but chickened out of trying it properly as i had red toned skin anyways- I’ve always been scared of blushes and bronzers!


I decided to try out this blush duo yesterday as i felt i wanted a change. I used my Real Techniques blush brush to do so, so i felt like i was applying it properly. I was really happy with the results. I wasn’t “too pink” as i had feared and like the name promises, i had a healthy pink glow on my cheeks. I really enjoyed this product and think i will be using it more often in the Future.


~rosie x